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Cascading Leadership (wsg Lindsay Irrer) – EP 140

Cascading Leadership | Lindsay Irrer, co-owner of The Barre Code – Metro Detroit, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss leading a franchise from the franchisee’s perspective. Of course, Lindsay speaks about her Top 3, including her entrepreneurial husband, her parents who balance grit and compassion, and her business partner who entices courage from her. And […]

What a Punk (wsg Alex Awn) – EP 139

WHAT A PUNK | Alex Awn, Head of UX for Bosch North America, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss how curiosity and DIY attitudes are what you need to drive innovation as well as how he brings his punk roots to shape corporate culture. Of course, Alex speaks about his Top 3, including his ex-boss, […]

Success By Accident (wsg Kevin Schnieders)

KEVIN SCHNIEDERS | Kevin Schnieders, CEO of EDSI, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss success and why your attitude towards success may be the differentiator. Kevin also admits he has been accidentally successful in his career. Of course, Kevin speaks about his Top 3, including his father, who provided the platform for his success; his […]

Criss Cross the Desert (wsg Dr. Lara Ramdin)

LARA RAMDIN, Chief Innovation Officer at Dole, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss the paths to careers in innovation. As a seasoned innovator in multiple industries, Lara also highlights how she has found a passion for tackling innovative solutions to battle food deserts. Of course, Lara speaks about her Top 3, including her former colleagues […]

The Multiplier Effect (wsg Steve Pockross) – EP 136

THE MULTIPLIER EFFECT | Steve Pockross, CEO of Verblio, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss how the multiplier effect has allowed him to scale marketplace businesses. Steve also highlights the intersection between the future of marketing and the future of work. Of course, Steve speaks about his Top 3, including his executive coaches, Mark and […]

Why Fear Failure? – EP 135

WHY FEAR FAILURE? | Join Gregg Garrett, host and CGS Advisors CEO, during this solocast as he challenges listeners to question how they view failure and discusses how remaining in the fear of failure can prevent you and your business from innovating. Gregg also highlights how breaking free from fear and being a true leader […]

Placing Bets (wsg Chris Ball) – EP 134

PLACING BETS | Chris Ball, a multi-time CEO and serial entrepreneur, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss how bravery is often enabled by having the right perspective. Of course, Chris speaks about his Top 3, including his competitor turned business partner who helped him to scale, his father who set a platform from a young […]

Purposeful Intimidation – EP 133

PURPOSEFUL INTIMIDATION | Join Gregg Garrett, host and CGS Advisors CEO, during this solocast as he challenges you to surround yourself with others who intimidate you. It takes bravery to tackle those intimidating and unknown moments and celebrate the rush that intimidation brings. About Gregg Garrett Greggory R. Garrett is the CEO and Managing Director […]

A Floral Disruptor (wsg Kalin Sheick) – EP 132

Kalin Sheick, owner of Sweetwater Floral, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss the $57B floral industry and how she breaks all the rules of the industry. Kalin highlights how she brings her knowledge from the media and entertainment industry to florals. Of course, Kalin speaks about her Top 3, including her husband, Matt, who has […]