You, Me, and Your Top Three is a podcast focused on exploring leadership in the connecting world. Specifically, the post invites leaders to tell stories, reflect, and discuss their view on: disruptions in industry and society; how they are leading transformations considering these disruptions; and brave leadership to drive transformation. It is this last point where we focus most of the discussion, asking our guests to share their insights into the relationships they have with their “Top 3” closest advisors. It is our observation and experience that as the world connects, the importance of a diverse set of counselors is increasing in value.
Act Like a Child (A Solocast with Gregg Garrett) – EP 170
Want to unlock innovation? Start by rediscovering your inner child! In this solocast, host and CGS Advisors CEO, Gregg Garrett, urges you to embrace curiosity, imagination, and experimentation in the workplace. He explores the power of asking “why,” the magic of hands-on creation, and the freedom found in breaking the routine. SHOW HIGHLIGHTS During this […]
Amplifying the Voice of the Silent (WSG Jacob Zuppke) – Ep 169
Host Gregg Garrett speaks to Jacob Zuppke, President and CEO of Whisker, about how product-in-use data can become a meaningful voice for a product’s user – human or non-human – as well as Jacob’s career ascent as a Specialist Generalist. Jacob also shares his “Top 3”: Whisker founder Brad Baxter, who has bravely allowed him […]
Working Without Jobs (A Solocast with Gregg Garrett) – EP 168
Join Gregg Garrett, host and CGS Advisors CEO, for a solocast where he explores the topic of working without jobs. Gregg discusses managing AI agents, motivating a team to rely on AI-enabled tools, and contemplating the possibility of being led by an “AI Overlord”. Tune in to discover how organizations can adapt and thrive in […]
Riding the Wave of Disruption (WSG David Raminick) – Ep 167
Host Gregg Garrett sits down with David Raminick, CEO and Co-Founder of Proficy Digital, to discuss disruption in the automotive marketing space. David also shares his “Top 3”: His wife, who encourages his entrepreneurial spirit; Kevin Burke, who encourages him to “speak it into existence”; Hal Widlansky, who sheds light on how to raise funds; […]
Bringing AI to Life (WSG Michael Roberts) – EP 166
Host Gregg Garrett speaks with Michael Roberts to discuss how Michael made the AI Agent interviewed in Episode 164, how he tuned it to be a great podcast guest, and where AI might be going in the future. Michael also shares his “Top 3”: Mark Rorvig, a fellow NASA teammate who was with him in […]
Hearing Yourself in AI (WSG Warren Ritchie) – EP 165
Host Gregg Garrett welcomes his friend and colleague Dr. Warren Ritchie, co-author of Competing in the Connecting World, the book that inspired the AI Agent interviewed in Episode 164. Together, they explore their impressions of the AI and muse on the disruption potential this type of AI application might have across their industries. And you […]
Beyond Human Intelligence (WSG “Competing in the Connecting World” AI) – EP 164
Host Gregg Garrett is joined by a Strategic Transformation Expert AI based on the bestselling book “Competing in the Connecting World”. The AI Agent shares its own “Top 3”: John Horn, who taught it to reflect on being the easiest to do business with; Dr. Oliver Riedel, who helped it recognize how to be brave; […]
Maximizing the Overlap (WSG James McFarlane) – EP 163
Host Gregg Garrett is joined by James McFarlane, a parallel leader who is a global CIO by day and a two-sport coach by night. Together they discuss parallels in life. James also shares his “Top 3”: David Behen, who has impressed on him to “autograph your work with excellence”; Saby Sen, who has introduced methods […]
Finding Balance in Advice (WSG Jake Sigal) – EP 162
Jake Sigal, a serial entrepreneur and tech business investor, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss managing the barrage of advice – often unsolicited – that can come from all directions. Jake also shares his “Top 3”: Brad Hoos, who is artful in being brutally honest; Trevor Pawl, an adamant community builder; and Dave Fry, who […]
Saying More, by Speaking Less (WSG Teri Takai) – EP 161
Host Greggory Garrett is joined by Teri Takai, a leader who found her voice while growing up in the automotive industry before shifting to public service at the State and Federal levels. Teri learned to make her voice heard in powerful rooms not by the count of her words, but by the power and precision […]
Leadership and the Law of Entrainment (WSG Suzy Siegle) – EP 160
Suzy Siegle, Ed.D., J.D., President of Walsh College, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss numerous leadership lessons and the Law of Entrainment. Suzy shares her “Top 3” which include God, her husband David, her entire leadership team at Walsh, and a couple of external leaders who help to stretch her thinking. And you have to […]
Learning from a Recovering Banker (WSG Anthony LaVerde) – EP 159
Anthony LaVerde, CEO of Emagine Entertainment, joins host Gregg Garrett to explore the concept of cross-industrial careers. Anthony shares his “Top 3”: Emagine Entertainment CFO Dirk Kjolhede and Chairman Paul Glantz, who, together with Anthony, make up a three-member strategic investment approval committee; and a former boss who taught Anthony that he must not be […]
Delivering on Vision (WSG Chase Kushak) – EP 158
Chase Kushak, President of Blake’s Hard Cider Co. and Partner in Gypsy Spirits, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss Chase’s niche in helping visionary entrepreneurs scale their enterprises and the overall importance of integrators. Chase shares his “Top 3”: Mike Stevens and Dave Engbers at Founders Brewing Co.; Michael Kazanowski and Adam Kazanowski at Gypsy […]
“You, Me, and Your Top Three” Year in Review
2023 was a remarkable year for You, Me, and Your Top Three, filled with enlightening conversations, fascinating insights, and energizing moments shared with our diverse and talented guests. This post is a celebration of those experiences, a heartfelt expression of gratitude to the individuals who shared their leadership journeys with us, and a sincere acknowledgment of […]
Cherish the Moments (WSG Pierre Boutin) – EP 157
Pierre Boutin – President & CEO of Volkswagen Group Ireland and former President & CEO of Volkswagen Group Canada – joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss the difference between building ecosystems and building organizations. Pierre shares his “Top 3”: Ted Charlton, who is equal parts boat-builder and sailor; Cyril Chatelet, a journey mate in the […]
Control the Minutes (WSG Christian Oswald) – EP 156
Christian Oswald, CEO of Rainf4ll, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss the importance of words, listening, and communication during times of transformation. Christian shares his “Top 3”: Mark Wales, who taught him leadership lessons; his children, who allowed him to understand better how early life digital experiences shape usage patterns; and Jen Bailin, who is […]
Building the Industrial Carnival (WSG Bruce Smith) – Ep 155
Bruce Smith, majority shareholder, Chairman, and CEO of Detroit Manufacturing Systems, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss how the connected world rewards speed and flexibility. Bruce shares his “Top 3”: Ben Meachem, who blends an understanding of people and clarity of problems to lead; Kristy McDonald, who understands the dynamics between leaders; Scott Cieslak, who […]
Leading Through Digital Disruption (WSG April Clobes) – EP 154
April Clobes, CEO of Michigan State University Federal Credit Union, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss the need for top leaders of firms to better understand the basics of technology in order to properly define strategies and transform companies. April shares her Top 3: Pat McPharlin, who demonstrated a relentless drive and employee focus; Mark […]
Small Words to Moonshots (wsg Ben Lamm) – EP 153
SMALL WORDS TO MOONSHOTS | Ben Lamm, a multi-time founder who is currently working on bringing back the woolly mammoth, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss how small words can lead to HUGE ideas. Of course, Ben shares his Top 3 or 4: Thomas Tull, who reminds him to keep going; John McKinley, who taught […]
Driving Uncomfortable Conversations (WSG Andrew Stuart) – EP 152
DRIVING UNCOMFORTABLE CONVERSATIONS | Andrew Stuart, President and CEO of TD Auto Finance, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss the need to get uncomfortable in order to have breakthrough moments. Of course, Andrew shares his Top 3 (well, 4): Sandra Moncrief, his wife, who helps him learn to interpret emotions; Marc Womack, who taught him […]
People Make Innovation Matter (wsg Roopesh Das) – EP 151
PEOPLE MAKE INNOVATION MATTER | Roopesh Das, Senior VP of Digital Acceleration and Innovation at Wallenius Wilhelmsen, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss the importance of putting the human in the center of your innovation strategy. Of course, Roopesh shares his Top 3: Ritesh Patel, who helped him to learn to connect; Akiko Marusawa, who […]
Making Alumni (Solocast) – EP 150
MAKING ALUMNI| Join Gregg Garrett, host and CGS Advisors CEO, during this solocast as he discusses how to establish an alumni network from your organization; not always an easy thing to do considering some of your best and brightest employees you never want to leave your firm. But, on the flip side, in order to […]
Building Ecosystems (WSG Chris Lambert) – EP 149
BUILDING ECOSYTEMS| Chris Lambert, CEO of Life Remodeled, a Detroit non-profit that remodels and revitalizes neighborhoods in an equitable and sustainable way, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss how to create and nurture meaningful innovation ecosystems inside of Detroit communities. Of course, Chris speaks about his Top 3: Jesus, who he speaks with and listens […]
Picking Up the Pace (wsg Jay Rogers) – EP 148
PICKING UP THE PACE|Jay Rogers, founder and CEO of haddy- a 3D -printed furniture company, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss the lessons he learned by 3D printing autonomous vehicles and how the team is now looking to disrupt the complete supply chain of a less regulated industry with a similar product set. Of course, […]
Getting Edgy (wsg Jahon Hobbeheydar) – EP 147
JAHON HOBBEHEYDAR | Jahon Hobbheydar, Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer at NSF International, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss the linkage of strategy and innovation. As someone who lives in the center of these two functions, Jahon leads NSF to the future. Of course, Jahon speaks about his Top 3: his former boss, Thad, who […]
Taking Risks (wsg Gary Shapiro) – EP 146
TAKING RISKS | Gary Shapiro, president and CEO of the Consumer Technology Association, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss the consumer electronics industry, CTA and the Consumer Electronics Show, and broader societal change. Of course, Gary speaks about his Top 3: his wife, industry advisors and advocates like Robert Ford who help him reflect on […]
Blurred by Design (wsg Paul Arnegard) – EP 145
Paul Arnegard, VP of Creative Services at Tweddle, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss how his firm has transformed as the mobility industry continues to be disrupted. Of course, Paul speaks about his Top 3, including Dan Owens who helped him pivot to the creative side of the firm, his father who helped him get […]
It’s a Small World After All (wsg Erik Walenza) – EP 144
Erik Walenza, CEO of IoT One and host of The Industrial IoT Spotlight podcast, joins host Gregg Garrett in this special dual podcast to discuss how global and multi-national firms are competing in the Chinese market. Of course, Erik speaks about his Top 3: his wife, his business partners: Chun Liew and Michael Maeder, who […]
80 Percent of the Day (wsg Craig Vanderburg) EP – 143
80% OF THE DAY | Craig Vanderburg, COO of Trion Solutions, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss the success his firm has had in outsourcing HR for small and mid-sized firms. Of course, Craig speaks about how he spends 80% of his day with his Top 3, including Pathik Mody, Craig Sherman, Don Turowski, and […]
Treat Yourself (wsg David Callado) – EP 142
TREAT YOURSELF | David Collado, President of Happy Howie’s, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss defining your own path. Of course, David speaks about his Top 3, including his business partner, Stan, and members of his leadership team: Harold, Kathleen, Douglas, and Wayne. And you have to hear what he has to say about his […]
Being an Innovator (wsg Thierry Klein) – EP 141
BEING AN INNOVATOR | Thierry Klein, President of Bell Labs Solution Research at Nokia Bell Labs, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss the DNA of being an innovator. Of course, Thierry speaks about his Top 3, including his parents who helped him eliminate his fear of failure, his PhD advisor at MIT who taught him […]
Cascading Leadership (wsg Lindsay Irrer) – EP 140
Cascading Leadership | Lindsay Irrer, co-owner of The Barre Code – Metro Detroit, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss leading a franchise from the franchisee’s perspective. Of course, Lindsay speaks about her Top 3, including her entrepreneurial husband, her parents who balance grit and compassion, and her business partner who entices courage from her. And […]
What a Punk (wsg Alex Awn) – EP 139
WHAT A PUNK | Alex Awn, Head of UX for Bosch North America, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss how curiosity and DIY attitudes are what you need to drive innovation as well as how he brings his punk roots to shape corporate culture. Of course, Alex speaks about his Top 3, including his ex-boss, […]
Success By Accident (wsg Kevin Schnieders)
KEVIN SCHNIEDERS | Kevin Schnieders, CEO of EDSI, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss success and why your attitude towards success may be the differentiator. Kevin also admits he has been accidentally successful in his career. Of course, Kevin speaks about his Top 3, including his father, who provided the platform for his success; his […]
Criss Cross the Desert (wsg Dr. Lara Ramdin)
LARA RAMDIN, Chief Innovation Officer at Dole, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss the paths to careers in innovation. As a seasoned innovator in multiple industries, Lara also highlights how she has found a passion for tackling innovative solutions to battle food deserts. Of course, Lara speaks about her Top 3, including her former colleagues […]
The Multiplier Effect (wsg Steve Pockross) – EP 136
THE MULTIPLIER EFFECT | Steve Pockross, CEO of Verblio, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss how the multiplier effect has allowed him to scale marketplace businesses. Steve also highlights the intersection between the future of marketing and the future of work. Of course, Steve speaks about his Top 3, including his executive coaches, Mark and […]
Why Fear Failure? – EP 135
WHY FEAR FAILURE? | Join Gregg Garrett, host and CGS Advisors CEO, during this solocast as he challenges listeners to question how they view failure and discusses how remaining in the fear of failure can prevent you and your business from innovating. Gregg also highlights how breaking free from fear and being a true leader […]
Placing Bets (wsg Chris Ball) – EP 134
PLACING BETS | Chris Ball, a multi-time CEO and serial entrepreneur, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss how bravery is often enabled by having the right perspective. Of course, Chris speaks about his Top 3, including his competitor turned business partner who helped him to scale, his father who set a platform from a young […]
Purposeful Intimidation – EP 133
PURPOSEFUL INTIMIDATION | Join Gregg Garrett, host and CGS Advisors CEO, during this solocast as he challenges you to surround yourself with others who intimidate you. It takes bravery to tackle those intimidating and unknown moments and celebrate the rush that intimidation brings. About Gregg Garrett Greggory R. Garrett is the CEO and Managing Director […]
A Floral Disruptor (wsg Kalin Sheick) – EP 132
Kalin Sheick, owner of Sweetwater Floral, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss the $57B floral industry and how she breaks all the rules of the industry. Kalin highlights how she brings her knowledge from the media and entertainment industry to florals. Of course, Kalin speaks about her Top 3, including her husband, Matt, who has […]
Guided Journeys (wsg Scott Schoeneberger) – EP 131
Guided Journeys | Scott Schoeneberger, Managing Partner of Bluewater Technologies Group, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss his guided journey through his multi-faceted events and technology integration business. Of course, Scott speaks about his Top 3, including his parents and uncle who encouraged different world views, perspectives, and a sense of innovative thinking, his first […]
Understanding Yourself (wsg Michael McFall) – EP 130
Understanding Yourself | Michael McFall, Co-CEO of Biggby Coffee, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss the importance of knowing thyself and understanding your purpose in order to leave a legacy. Of course, Mike speaks about his Top 3, which range from Bob Fish, his business partner, who holds him accountable, to his mother, who created […]
Finding the Potential in Your Network (wsg Lisa Katz) – EP 129
Finding the Potential in Your Network | Lisa Katz, Senior Program Officer for Economic Vitality & Entrepreneurship at the William Davidson Foundation, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss her storied career in public policy across many communities. Lisa speaks about her Top 3, including Mary Lynn Noah, who hired Lisa for her first job as […]
Clearing the WhiteBoard (a solocast) – EP 128
Clearing the Whiteboard | Join Gregg Garrett, host and CGS Advisors CEO, during this solocast as he discusses and celebrates ten years of CGS, the traditions that got him there, and the challenge to get started on your own. Gregg explores a yearly process to “clear the whiteboard”; a process focused on wrapping up the […]
Hitting the Reset Button (wsg Luis Cabrera) – EP 127
Hitting the Reset Button | Luis Cabrera, CEO of Budget Travel, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss his storied career in digital across many industries. Luis highlights how he applies digital skills across senior roles, companies, and continents. Of course, Luis speaks about his Top 3, including Scott Galloway, a storied NYU professor, who helps […]
Finding the Fit (wsg Kevin Browett) – EP 126
Finding the Fit | Kevin Browett, CEO of the Michigan Institute for Neurological Disorders, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss his career journey from being a pharmacist to controlling over an $18 billion business at the largest retailer in the world, to a multi-time entrepreneur and scale-up leader, to CEO. Of course, Kevin speaks about […]
The Future of Work (a Solocast) – EP 125
The Future of Work | Join Gregg Garrett, host and CGS Advisors CEO, during this solocast as he discusses the future of work. Gregg explores three basic pieces: thinking of how automated work might be for you in the future, deciding if you’re going to have a freelance or W2 automated workforce, and just how […]
Turning Hardship into Differentiation (wsg John Katona) – EP 124
Turning Hardship Into Differentiation | John Katona, Industrial Engineer at General Motors and CEO JKNK Studios, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss his unique journey in life that includes a paralyzing car accident that re-rerouted, and in some ways accelerated, his journey. Of course, John speaks about his top three ranging from his father who […]
State of Risk and Trust (wsg Steve Fleischmann) – EP 123
State of Risk and Trust | Steve Fleischmann, Preempt Risk, joins host Gregg Garrett for a discussion on managing risk in complex ecosystems in support of profitable growth. Of course, Steve shares his Top Three who include an academic mentor who recruited him to study why civil wars occur, especially in the light of global […]
Finding Your Passion (wsg Dane Mathews) – EP 122
Finding Your Passion | Dane Mathews, Vice President of Precision Marketing at Conagra Brands, joins host Gregg Garrett for a discussion on transforming organizations and brands. Of course, Dane shares his Top Three who include his wife and children who have been core to establishing a professional shift in his approach, a former Amazon executive […]
Building the Backstop of Innovation (wsg Emmett Romine) – EP 121
Building the Backstop of Innovation | Emmett Romine, VP, Customer Solutions & Innovation at Xcel Energy, joins host Gregg Garrett for a discussion on customer and channel innovation in the energy industry. Of course, Emmett shares his Top Three who include an executive who pushed him to create and be true to his personal brand, […]
Letting a Tiger Out of Her Cage (wsg Renee Rouleau) – EP 120
Letting a Tiger Out of Her Cage: Renée Rouleau, CEO and President of Renee Rouleau Skin Care, joins host Gregg Garrett for a discussion on successfully pivoting and scaling a company from a brick-and-mortar service model to a direct-to-consumer product delivery model. Of course, she speaks about her top three including her late husband who […]
Genuinely Curious (wsg Tammy Hahn) – EP 119
Genuinely Curious: Tammy Hahn, Chief Product Officer at Groundswell, joins host Gregg Garrett for a discussion on how to approach product management as well as how her new firm is looking to disrupt the non-profit industry. Of course, Tammy shares her Top Three who include her father who shows her how to drive rediscovery, her […]
Join Gregg Garrett, host and CGS Advisors CEO, during this solocast as he discusses the importance of building a mesh network of relationships to help hold up your career, and personal goals. He shares how cross-industry collaboratives may be necessary to build these meshes as the world continues to connect. Gregg also highlights how CGS […]
Becoming the First (wsg Sunayna Tuteja) – EP 117
Becoming the First: Sunayna Tuteja, Chief Innovation Officer for the Federal Reserve System joins host Gregg Garrett for a discussion on the importance of passion when you are making your own journey. Sunayna speaks about coordinating decentralized innovation inside and beyond the Federal Reserve, a 100+ year old entity. And of course, she shares her […]
From Commanding Intelligence to Driving The Information Revolution (wsg Gil Gur Arie) – EP 116
Industries blurring in the talent war: Gil Gur Arie, Chief Data and Analytics Officer at Ford Motor Company, joins host Gregg Garrett for a discussion on his career journey including his life before Ford as a commanding officer in the Israeli Intelligence Agency. He highlights how the mission of an organization (no matter if it […]
Keep Looking Forward (wsg Gail Davis) – EP 115
Power of Disruption: Gail Davis, a leader in the international keynote speaker industry, joins host Gregg Garrett for a discussion on the changes occurring in her industry as well as how she’s driven her firm to emerge as a stable leader post-COVID. She of course shares her Top Three who include individuals that help her […]
Catapulting to Champion Level Success (wsg Punit Dhillon) – EP 114
The 40-year trajectory for your career: Punit Dhillon, executive, investor, and new author, joins host Gregg Garrett for a discussion on being an effective corporate athlete and catapulting your career. He of course shares his Top Three who include his wife who acts as the yin to his yang, a mentor who Punit has followed […]
Amplify Progress (wsg Brian Suszek) – EP 113
Leading Leaders: Brian Suszek, CGS Fellow and former President and CEO of Tweddle Group, joins host Gregg Garrett for a discussion on leading the transformation of the private company from a paper publishing corporation to an information juggernaut in the mobility industry. He of course shares his Top Three who include his wife of over […]
Don’t Hesitate to Ask the Question (wsg Arthur Orduna) – EP 112
Launching an Enterprise Innovation Capability: Arthur Orduña, an enterprise innovator, joins host Gregg Garrett for a discussion on his experiences leading innovation initiatives at Avis and ADT. Arthur of course shares his Top Three who include his wife, an advisor to the board at Google, a screen writer, a former Fortune 500 CEO, and an […]
Building Digital Opportunities (wsg DeLu Jackson) – EP 111
Looking backward to lead forward: DeLu Jackson, vice president of precision marketing for Conagra Brands, joins host Gregg Garrett for a discussion on precision marketing being the new frontier at Conagra. He of course shares his Top Three who include a childhood role models who gave him his model for mentorship, his wife who reminds […]
From the Ground Up (wsg Anita Klopfenstein) – EP 110
Exploring Frictionless Experiences: Anita Klopfenstein CIO at Little Caesars, joins host Gregg Garrett for a discussion on innovation in the fast-turn restaurant industry and what is on the horizon for the entertainment industry as COVID restrictions are lifted. She of course shares her Top Three ranging from her aunts and uncles who helped her get […]
Leadership Truth (wsg Elise Neel) – EP 109
Realities of Top Leadership: Elise Neel, VP, Verizon New Business Incubation, joined host Gregg Garrett for a discussion on the realities of top leadership and how to succeed once you reach that point. Elise also shares her leadership journey and philosophies, and how important it is to create a team of like-minded professionals to lean […]
Mastering Understanding (Gregg Garrett Solocast) – EP 108
To Master Understanding: Join Gregg Garrett, host and CGS Advisors CEO, during this solocast as he discusses the skill of mastering understanding of the problem and environment before you jump to solutioning. Gregg addresses the need to empathically understand the problem to build the trust necessary to truly have an effective solution. He also speaks […]
Ambition to Explore (wsg Pratibha Vuppuluri) – EP 107
Are you thinking big enough to find the right solution? Pratibha Vuppuluri, Managing Director, Portfolio Management at Unreasonable, joins host Gregg Garrett for a discussion on how Private Equity may need to shift to support all the firm transformations taking place due to digitalization. Pratibha shares how driving diversity in gender and race will likely […]
Greasing the Skids (wsg Johan DeNysschen) – EP 106
Readying the environment for transformation: Johan de Nysschen, COO of Volkswagen North America, joins host Gregg Garrett for a discussion on the importance of readying the environment for transformation; as well as sharing his observations of the automotive industry and the lessons he’s learned through decades of executive leadership. Johan of course shares his Top […]
Blurring Diverse Industries (wsg Nils Wollny) – EP 105
Information is the Great Blurring Agent: Host Gregg Garrett is joined by Nils Wollny, co-founder and CEO of Holoride, for a discussion on how his firm is bringing together diverse industries to create new experiences. Nils of course shares his Top Three ranging from a dynamic duo of creative explorers to a career long friendship […]
Leading Through 11 C’S (wsg Cheri Alexander) – EP 104
A machine on your advisory board? Host Gregg Garrett is joined by Cheri Alexander, a professor at the University of Michigan, Ross School of Business, for a discussion on machines joining virtual boards, lessons learned through Cheri’s 30+ years as a leader of a Fortune 50 company as well as over a decade of educating […]
Audition Everyday (wsg Paul Glantz) – EP 103
Giving passionate side hustles the main stage: Host Gregg Garrett is joined by Paul A. Glantz, Co-Founder and Chairman of Emagine Entertainment, for a discussion on turning his side hustle into a full-time chairman role; as well as the shifting entertainment industry, lessons learned from previous disruptions and of course, his Top Three. And you […]
The Importance of Trust (wsg Vijay Sankaran) – EP 102
The Importance of Trust in Leadership: Host Gregg Garrett is joined by Vijay Sankaran, technology executive who was most recently CIO at TD Ameritrade, who discusses the importance of trust in leadership and the role it played in shaping his career. Vijay shares his Top Three who range from a colleague who used trust to […]
Success is not an Accident (Solocast) – EP 101
Join Gregg Garrett, host and CGS Advisors CEO, during this solocast as he celebrates the 101st episode of You, Me, and Your Top Three! Gregg discusses the six different types of advisory board members you can have, the four typical styles of mentoring they may bring, and provides tips on how you can start building […]
Recognizing Opportunity in Threats – 12 Months of COVID (wsg CGS Fellows Panel) – EP 100
Recognizing Opportunity in Threats: Host Gregg Garrett is joined by a panel of CGS Advisors Fellows who are experts in technology and leadership, for a discussion on how the pandemic removed artificial barriers and how flexibility may be the key strategic capability needed to survive. Ty Beltramo, John Horn, and Angie Tuglus share their observations […]
Move From Groups to Tribes (wsg Leah J M Dean) – EP 99
Create an Environment to Encourage Innovation: Host Gregg Garrett is joined by Leah JM Dean, author and Founder and CEO of Conduit International Ltd., who discusses how to assemble the tribe. Leah’s Top Three include a former early career boss, a colleague, and a leader who helped her recognize imperfect perfection may be the key. […]
Innovating on the Fringe (Gregg Garrett) – EP 98
Join Gregg Garrett, host and CGS Advisors CEO, during this solocast as he explores innovating on the fringe of your organization and industry. Gregg also discusses a third dimension of innovation, sensing beyond the edges of your organization to be effective in setting your strategy. About Gregg Garrett Gregg R. Garrett is the CEO and […]
Reptilian Brains May be the Key to Transform (Gregg Garrett) – EP 97
Join Gregg Garrett, host and CGS Advisors CEO, during this solocast as he explores how to help leaders and the organizations in which they lead be more successful in transformation and driving big innovation. And you have to hear why Gregg says tapping into the reptilian brain is at the center of it all. About […]
Constant Transformation (wsg McKeel Hagerty) – EP96
The Impact of Constant Transformation: Host Gregg Garrett is joined by McKeel Hagerty, CEO Hagerty Group and former Chairman Young Presidents Organization (YPO), who shares his incredible, ongoing journey. McKeel’s Top Three include his spouse, a former professor turned mentor, and his YPO tribe. And you have to hear his spin on the concept of […]
Standing Out to Fit In (wsg Dwayne Hicks) – EP 95
Getting uncomfortable can lead to breakthrough growth: Host Gregg Garrett is joined by Dwayne Hicks, NCAA division one coach who shares his non-traditional coaching journey and tackles one of today’s most relevant leadership topics: race. His Top Three include his spouse, an Air Force Colonel, and a handful of coaches who share his passion on […]
Understanding Your Personal Purpose (wsg Jawad Ahsan) – EP 94
Understanding your personal purpose: Host Gregg Garrett is joined by Jawad Ahsan, CFO at Axon and recent author of What They Didn’t Tell Me. His Top Three include leaders who instilled confidence, how to find the fun and purpose in a job; how to find the silver lining even when he has to be intense; […]
Magic Kingdom Leadership Lessons (wsg Lee Cockerell) – EP 93
During this episode, You, Me, and Your Top Three host, Gregg Garrett, discusses the magic of customer-centricity. Gregg speaks with Lee Cockerell who threaded magic in all customer experiences in the Magic Kingdom, Disney, and who managed some of Disney’s largest resorts and is a student of hospitality. Of course, Lee speaks about his top […]
Empathy Builds Empires (wsg Daniel Epstein) – EP 92
In this episode, Gregg speaks with Daniel Epstein, CEO of the Unreasonable Group. Daniel discusses his Top 3 with Gregg, which range from his Grandpa, to a college advisor Paul Jerdy, to George Campbell, to his fiancé. And you have to hear what Daniel has to say about stepping back and taking a deep breath. […]
Finding Independence (wsg Wendy Lea) – EP 91
In this episode, Gregg Garrett speaks with, Wendy Lea, CEO of Energize Colorado. Wendy discusses her work building out entrepreneurial communities across the Midwest and Colorado. Additionally, she shares her Top 3, which includes a former boss, a mentor, and the former CEO of P&G. Finally, Wendy shares her secret to approaching each new challenge […]
Reflection (A solocast with Gregg Garrett) – EP 90
During this solocast, You, Me, and Your Top Three host and CGS Advisors CEO, Gregg Garrett, explores the difference between bravery and leadership and how they tie together. Gregg then reflects on 2020 and the importance of continuing to look forward and identifying what fears you will conquer next as a leader. Finally, Gregg shares […]
Scaling Passion (wsg Jason Bressler) – EP 89
In this episode, Gregg speaks about passion, and then welcomes a guest who is filled with plenty of it. Jason Bressler is the CTO of United Wholesale Mortgage where he has scaled a team of passionate technology professionals that has raised his firm to the #1 position in its segment. Jason speaks about the current […]
Taking Blame (wsg Paul Tedesco) – EP 88
In this episode, Gregg speaks with Paul Tedesco, Managing Director CRM & Digital at TrackDDB, a digital marketing agency in Canada. Paul discusses how he got to where he is in the industry and his predictions of where marketing will go over the next 5 years. Of course, Paul shares his Top 3 which includes […]
Eliminating Hope, Wish, and Luck (wsg JeVon McCormick) – EP 87
In this episode, Gregg speaks with JeVon McCormick, CEO of Scribe Media – an innovative book publisher. JeVon takes Gregg on the story-filled journey of his fractured childhood and shares what his tips are to be successful. Along the way, JeVon speakers about his Top 3, ranging from the industrialist Andrew Carnegie to Oil Tycoon […]
SEO – A Journey to the Top (wsg Deepak Shukla) – EP 86
In this episode, Gregg shares his thoughts about SEO – from trying to get to the top of ‘that’ list, to getting more eyeballs from your customers, to positioning your content ahead of your competition. He then speaks to an expert in the SEO space, Deepak Shukla, the founder and CEO of Pearl Lemon, an […]
Work Hard and Be Kind (wsg Jerry Cox) – EP 85
In this episode, Gregg speaks with Jerry Cox, a 95-year-old entrepreneur who has lived at least three careers over his lifetime. From serving in world war II, to attending MIT, and then moving into the medical device industry, the digital networking industry, and now the cybersecurity industry, Jerry has taken the world by storm. Of […]
Creating a Collaborative Table (wsg Pam Lewis) – EP 84
In this week’s episode, Gregg speaks about the power of building a diverse table in order to have new conversations and drive a vision forward. He then speaks to Pam Lewis, the director of the New Economy Initiative in Detroit, Michigan. She speaks about her process and how her team brings diverse groups together to […]
Indexing on Action (wsg Tom Chi) – EP 83
In this episode, host Gregg Garrett discusses thinking big and how this skill enables leaders to compete in this ever-changing environment. He then speaks to Tom Chi, at One Ventures. Tom is the former head of experience at Google X where he was responsible for creating the first Google car and Google glass. Tom speaks […]
Being the Beacon (wsg Richard Hicks) – EP 82
In this episode, host Gregg Garrett discusses how digitalization is both the greatest equalizer and creator of incredible divide. He then speaks with Richard Hicks who leads a not-for-profit that looks to close the digital divide by bringing together senior IT leaders, investors, and the community. Of course Richard speaks about his top three – […]
Long Term Impact and In Love (wsg Jane Finette and Pascal Finette) – EP 81
In this episode, Gregg touches on the importance of being able to play the long game. He then has one of his most insightful conversations yet, this time with a power couple. He speaks with Jane Finette and Pascal Finette. They speak about their storied careers that have led them through eBay, Mozilla, Google, and […]
Why Leaders Do What They Do (wsg Jeb Hurley) – EP 80
In this episode, Gregg speaks with Jeb Hurley, Co-Founder & CEO, Xmetryx. They discuss the importance of attempting to live life with no regrets and about the importance of teams in making transformations a reality. And of course he speaks about his top three from his spouse and cofounder to two of his favorite mentors. […]
Building Deep Alliances (wsg Sangy Vatsa) – EP 79
In this episode, Gregg speaks with Sangy Vatsa, a highly regarded transformation leader with significant experience in being a chief technology officer and chief information officer for fortune-level companies. Sangy, the EVP, Chief Technology & Digital Officer at FIS, discusses how he establishes a pattern of rapidly learning the specifics of business models and the […]
Significant vs Successful (wsg Fred Soller) – EP 78
Gregg Garrett, explores the power of borrowing startup concepts and applying them to established enterprise innovation programs. He then speaks with Fred Soller, a leader who crossed over from a successful enterprise executive to scaling a startup, Data Oceans, through leadership. Fred shares how this switch has allowed him to make a more significant impact […]
Accepting a Presidency During the Pandemic (wsg Sean Killian) – EP 77
Gregg Garrett, discusses how transforming an organization is a lot like baking a cake. Gregg then speaks with Sean Killian, President North America, Atos Medical. Sean shares insights he has gained as a global citizen and observations he has made as he pivoted his career from industry to industry. Of course, he speaks about his […]
Changing the Perception of What’s Possible (wsg Ted Serbinski) – EP 76
During this episode, You, Me and Your Top Three host, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Ted Serbinski, managing director at Techstars, about the power of pivoting and how it is needed for startups as well as enterprises trying to innovate. He discusses a wide array of topics from becoming a mobility industry luminary to investing in […]
Finding Your Launching Point (wsg Sean Kramer) – EP 75
During this episode, You, Me and Your Top Three host, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Sean Kramer, CIO at SiteOne Landscape Supply about recognizing opportunity while it is still happening. He discusses his career journey that has taken him from a mid-level IT leader to CIO through 25+ acquisitions and a move from private company to […]
Blurring the Boundaries of Manufacturing (wsg Jerry Foster) – EP 74
During this episode, You, Me and Your Top Three host, Gregg Garrett, speaks about how creating connected products may blur the boundaries of manufacturing and aftermarket service. He then speaks with Jerry Foster, CTO at Plex Systems. Jerry, an expert in Industry 4.0, shares how he bravely launched an information technology company from the gritty […]
That Sounds Easy (wsg Paul Chambers) – EP 73
During this episode, You, Me and Your Top Three host, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Paul Chambers, a multi-time founder who has launched the Subscription Trade Association, about the rising growth in the subscription economy and accompanying business models. He discusses how the Subscription Trade Association has brought together subscription based business leaders from across many […]
Hand and Hand (wsg Chanel Hampton) – EP 72
During this episode, You, Me and Your Top Three host, Gregg Garrett, speaks first about the unique nature of building connections during the COVID-19 quarantine. He then interviews middle-school teacher turned CEO Chanel Hampton, founder and president of Strategic Community Partners, who has a fantastic message about following your passion. She shares her Top Three […]
Making a Conscious Effort to Be Positive (wsg Jack Lintol) – EP 71
During this episode, You, Me and Your Top Three host, Gregg Garrett, speaks about finding your drive. He speaks with Jack Lintol, a multi-time CEO who is currently with Detroit Trading Company. Jack shares the importance of how leadership differs during disruption and the importance of surrounding yourself with people who can be part of […]
Learning Resiliency (wsg Samantha Snabes) – EP 70
During this episode, You, Me and Your Top Three host, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Samantha Snabes, co-founder and catalyst at re:3D about resiliency through disruption. She shares firsthand experience of driving resiliency through major disruptions like COVID-19 as well as several natural disasters. She also discusses how she motivates her team to shape the future […]
Just Open Your Mouth (wsg Kevin Withane) – EP 69
During this episode, You, Me and Your Top Three host, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Kevin Withane, senior legal and ethics director at TI Fluid Systems. As a global citizen, he discusses some of the difficult realities of ethics, diversity, and the current social unrest tied to race. Kevin also shares his Top Three that includes […]
Telling the Right Story (wsg Jennifer Charters) – EP 68
During this episode, You Me and Your Top Three host, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Jennifer Charters, executive vice president and CIO at Flagstar Bank. She discusses how leaders can use the power of storytelling to drive clarity of purpose and consistency of transformation. Jennifer also shares how she has honed this superpower as a chief-of-staff […]
Being the Stage Manager (wsg Roy Sexton) – EP 67
During this episode, You Me and Your Top Three host, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Roy Sexton, director of marketing at Clark Hill. He discusses the changing landscape of the legal industry and provides hints on how to deploy effective digital marketing efforts as well as how to breakdown barriers through social media. Additionally, he shares […]
Push and Pull Up (wsg Andre Arbelaez) – EP 66
During this episode, You Me and Your Top Three host, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Andre Arbelaez about the connective power of race and ethnicity. We learn how some ethnic groups support one another with lessons that will help any group of people perform better. Andre is the founder of HITEC and HC3 – a Hispanic, […]
Uncomfortably Fun (wsg David Behen) – EP 65
During this episode, You Me and Your Top Three host, Gregg Garrett, speaks with David Behen, CIO of the iconic brand, La-Z-Boy. He discusses the power of being brave enough to ask and how being brave can make all the difference in a mentorship relationship. Behen highlights his closest virtual advisors from his life partner […]
Leading in Sudden Disruption 10: The Furlough Challenge (Solocast) – EP 64
During this mini episode, You, Me, and Your Top Three host and CGS Advisors CEO, Gregg Garrett, does a solo-cast to explore how the country and business leaders deal with the highest unemployment rate of all time due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, Gregg discusses how to bring employees back, how it ties to innovation […]
Creating Lasting Bonds (wsg Raman Sehgal) – EP 63
During this episode, You, Me, and Your Top Three host and CGS Advisors CEO, Gregg Garrett, speaks about how a company’s culture, combined with where you work early in your career, can have a huge impact on the trajectory of your career. Gregg then speaks with Raman Sehgal, the founder of 20 Nickels, a serial […]
Leading in Sudden Disruption 9 (wsg Deborah Parizek) – EP 62
During this mini episode, You, Me, and Your Top Three host and CGS Advisors CEO, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Deborah Parizek, Executive Director of the Henry Ford Learning Institute, regarding the future of education. She addresses how the COVID-19 pandemic has shortened the cycle for change in new education models as well as for disruptive […]
Leading in Times of Sudden Disruption 8 (wsg Ethan Becker) – EP 61
During this mini episode, You, Me, and Your Top Three host and CGS Advisors CEO, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Dr. Ethan Becker, president of Boston-based communications firm The Speech Improvement Company. He speaks about communication in times of crisis and disruption; specifically, the long-term effects of this pandemic on general communication and best practices for […]
Leading in Sudden Disruption 7 (wsg Campbell Macdonald) – EP 60
During this mini episode, You, Me, and Your Top Three host and CGS Advisors CEO, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Campbell Macdonald, the Founder and CEO of Proxxi. He speaks about rapidly pivoting his company to remain relevant during this pandemic, the process he underwent, and how he moved fast. Campbell also shares his thoughts on […]
Building Communities in Isolation (wsg Amanda Lewan) – EP 59
During this episode, You, Me, and Your Top Three host and CGS Advisors CEO, Gregg Garrett, speaks about how the world and the working world may be changed forever and how working from home, or anywhere, is the new model. Gregg then speak with Amanda Lewan, CEO and Co-Founder of Bamboo Detroit who is an […]
Leading in Sudden Disruption 6 (Solocast) – EP 58
During this mini episode, You, Me, and Your Top Three host and CGS Advisors CEO, Gregg Garrett, provides a quick overview of the CGS report ‘Recognizing the Patterns in the Pandemic-Driven Crisis’. He touches on the broad market effect, the basic stages of response, the human and emotional responses from leaders, and the silver lining […]
Managing Organizational Complexity (wsg Walt Brown) – EP 57
During this episode, You, Me, and Your Top Three host and CGS Advisors CEO, Gregg Garrett, reflects on how we should all consider the journey we are on and how we may find some useful patterns in it. He then welcome Walt Brown, a Certified EOS® Implementer and Founder of Walt Brown Co. Walt speaks […]
Leading in Sudden Disruption 5 (wsg Tim McCabe) – EP 56
During this mini episode, You, Me, and Your Top Three host and CGS Advisors CEO, Gregg Garrett, speaks with CGS Fellow, Tim McCabe. Tim has led through several major market disruptions and helped to manage the largest industrial bankruptcy on the planet. He speaks about lessons he learned from that crisis, discusses the impacts of […]
Changing the Rules to Connect The World (wsg Marc Hudson) – EP 55
During this episode, You, Me, and Your Top Three host and CGS Advisors CEO, Gregg Garrett, speaks about how the disruption being caused by COVID is giving us a chance to look a bit into the future. He then speaks with Marc Hudson, the Co-founder and CEO of RocketFiber. Marc speaks about the journey of […]
Leading in Sudden Disruption 4 (wsg Lesley Ma) – EP54
During this mini episode, You, Me, and Your Top Three host and CGS Advisors CEO, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Lesley Ma, CIO and Continuous Improvement Officer of NSF, who is actively leading during this time of disruption at a global, public health and safety organization. She speaks about the role of the CIO during these […]
Bringing Others to The Table (wsg Sarah Craft) – EP 53
During this episode, You, Me, and Your Top Three host and CGS Advisors CEO, Gregg Garrett, discusses beginning to see the good that can come out of a crisis; the silver lining if you will. He then speaks with Sarah Craft, Director of Detroit Venture for America. Sarah discusses the power of a network and […]
Leading in Sudden Disruption 3 (wsg Ben Bratt) – EP 52
During this mini episode, You, Me, and Your Top Three host and CGS Advisors CEO, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Ben Bratt, a global expert in developing organizations and teams. He speaks about how Maslow’s Hierarchy may be updated during this pandemic. He also speaks about how we may need to consider the waves of this […]
Predicting the Post Pandemic Future (wsg Sheryl Connelly) – EP 51
During this episode, You, Me, and Your Top Three host and CGS Advisors CEO, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Sheryl Connelly, Head of Global Trends and Futuring at Ford Motor Company. She discusses what it’s like to consider situations much like the COVID-19 pandemic way before it even occurs and how leaders should consider scenario planning […]
Leading in Sudden Disruption 2 (wsg Angie Tuglus) – EP 50
During this mini episode, You, Me, and Your Top Three host and CGS Advisors CEO, Gregg Garrett, speaks with CGS Fellow Angie Tuglus about leading in times of sudden disruption. They speak about Angie’s experience during disruptions in 2006 when she was part of the restructuring of one of the largest companies in the world. […]
Digital Marketing During Disruption (wsg Brenda Meller) – EP 49
During this episode, You, Me, and Your Top Three host and CGS Advisors CEO, Gregg Garrett, discusses how CEOs may be able to take a lesson from government during this pandemic. He then welcomes Brenda Meller, Chief Engagement Officer at Meller Marketing. Brenda is a social media marketing expert who shares how to unlock the […]
Leading in Sudden Disruption 1 (wsg Warren Ritchie) – EP 48
During this mini episode, You, Me, and Your Top Three host and CGS Advisors CEO, Gregg Garrett, speaks with CGS Fellow Dr. Warren Ritchie about leading in times of sudden disruption. They explore three questions: 1) Why do some companies fail? 2) What might our industries look like after this global pandemic? and 3) How […]
Finding Your Catalyst (wsg Randy Urban) – EP 47
During this episode, You, Me, and Your Top Three host and CGS Advisors CEO, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Randy Urban, Global CIO at Martin Brower. Randy is responsible for keeping quick service restaurants stocked and operating during this time of disruption. He speaks about trends in the global QSR industry and transformations that are taking […]
Finding the Value (wsg Angie Tuglus) – EP 46
During this episode, You, Me, and Your Top Three host and CGS Advisors CEO, Gregg Garrett, speaks with CGS Fellow and Former COO of Ally Financial, Angie Tuglus. Gregg begins the episode by speaking about the realities of dealing with the global health pandemic and financial meltdown that is disrupting our world. He then turns […]
Align Your Body and Mind to Dismantle What Holds You Back (wsg LeeAnn Mallorie) – EP 45
During this episode, You, Me, and Your Top Three host and CGS Advisors CEO, Gregg Garrett, speaks with LeeAnn Mallorie, Founder and CEO of Leading In Motion and Program Founder and Author of Guts & Grace. Through her work, LeeAnn helps leaders align their body, their mind, and their soul. She explains that her approach […]
Path Nudging (wsg Kripa Krishnan) – EP 44
During this episode, You, Me, and Your Top Three host and CGS Advisors CEO, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Kripa Krishnan, Director, Cloud Product Operations at Google, Inc. Kripa speaks about her journey that took her from India and the Middle East to Silicon Valley. She reflects on her unique career that spans art, music, medicine, […]
Come to the Problem as a Learner (wsg Char Hu) – EP43
During this episode, You, Me, and Your Top Three host and CGS Advisors CEO, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Char Hu, CEO for The Helper Bees. Char and Gregg talk about The Helper Bee’s focus of tacking inefficiencies in the home healthcare market. Char speaks about how this problem is both very personal to him due […]
Leaning Into Relationships (wsg Brandon Curry) – EP42
During this episode, You, Me, and Your Top Three host and CGS Advisors CEO, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Brandon Curry, Vice President of Human Resources for DRiV Incorporated. Brandon and Gregg talk about transformation techniques and discuss the major disruptions taking over the HR and mobility industries. Brandon’s ‘Top Three’ gives us a glimpse into […]
Becoming a Multiplier (wsg Chris Uhl) – EP41
During this episode, You, Me, and Your Top Three host and CGS Advisors CEO, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Chris Uhl, Executive Director of the Eastern Region at IFF – a nonprofit mission driven lender, real estate consultant, and developer that helps communities thrive. Chris and Gregg spend time discussing the importance of becoming a multiplier […]
Maximizing the Overlap (wsg Seun Phillips) – EP 40
During this episode, You, Me, and Your Top Three host and CGS Advisors CEO, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Seun Phillips former Managing Director of PlanetM & Founder of STEMNETICS. Seun and Gregg talk about mobility and how the roles of safety, accessibility, and electric and autonomous vehicles are playing a major role within the automotive […]
Passion for Disruptive Potential (wsg Michael Healander) – EP 39
During this episode, You, Me, and Your Top Three host and CGS Advisors CEO, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Michael Healander, Co-Founder, President and CEO, Airspace Link – a company that is building highways for the autonomous drone industry. Michael and Gregg spend time discussing the importance of ingenuity and the patterns of disrupting an industry. […]
Active and Empathetic Leadership (wsg Alisyn Malek) – EP 38
During this episode, You, Me, and Your Top Three host and CGS Advisors CEO, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Alisyn Malek, COO and Co-Founder, May Mobility. Alisyn talks about how her company is helping to define a totally new transportation system and what it is like transitioning from being an engineer to corporate innovator to founder […]
Globalizing Mobility (EP 37)
During this episode, You, Me, and Your Top Three host and CGS Advisors CEO, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Marcus Heitmann, General Manager and Vice President Digitalization & Connected Car, SAIC Volkswagen. Marcus is a global expert in connected automotive and mobility and is one of the few people who have spent time on both the […]
Reaching the Tipping Point (EP 36)
During this episode, You Me and Your Top Three host and CGS Advisors CEO, Gregg Garrett, takes a short pause from interviewing guests to reflect on 2019 and the evolution of IoT. Gregg speaks about three main topics: 1) observations from working in IoT and the ever-connecting world, 2) how this year has been a […]
The Road Less Traveled (EP 35)
During this episode, You Me and Your Top Three host and CEO, CGS Advisors, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Jane Sydlowski, President and CEO AMI Strategies. Jane, a self-made entrepreneur, discusses the process of leaving the stable situation of working for an established company and entering the unknown of her own venture. She speaks about the […]
Becoming an Entrepreneur (EP34)
During this episode, You Me and Your Top Three host and CEO, CGS Advisors, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Shiva Bhardwaj, CEO Pitstop – a cloud-based Prognostic Maintenance Platform that enables enterprises to leverage the wealth of information available from their vehicle fleets. Shiva hails from Toronto and is making a name for himself in the […]
Start by Asking for Help (EP 33)
During this episode, You Me and Your Top Three host, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Larry Freed, CEO Give and Take, Inc.. Larry is a multi-time CEO who utilizes the concepts from Adam Grant’s best-selling book Give and Take to scale businesses. He speaks about SaaS businesses and partnering with academic institutions and their PhDs to […]
Orchestrating Trust (EP 32)
During this episode, You Me and Your Top Three host, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Michael Farber, Managing Partner of Ratio Companies and former EVP, Booz Allen Hamilton. Michael speaks to his 30+ year career in driving large transformation in both federal government agencies as well as market-leading companies and shares how innovators need to not […]
Mobility as a Disruptor, to Retail and More (EP 31)
During this episode, You Me and Your Top Three host, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Jeff Cripe, Founder and CEO of Cargo – a fast moving company on a rocketship-style path to success. Jeff is a 30 under 30 award recipient from Forbes and, in just a few years’ time, he has founded a company, created […]
When Bravery Pays Off (EP 30)
During this episode, You Me and Your Top Three host, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Steve Tack, SVP, Product Management at Dynatrace – a technology giant that is part of the backbone of many of the most well-known brands in this digital world. Steve shares the journey that took the company from a small division of […]
Lollipops to Rideshare – The Rise of an Entrepreneur (EP 29)
During this episode, You Me and Your Top Three host, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Ryan Green, Co-Founder and CEO of Gridwise – The #1 companion app for rideshare drivers. Ryan shares his history as a Naval Officer turned entrepreneurial CEO who is actively shaping the ride-share market in the US. He discusses how fragmented the […]
Franchising a Lifestyle (EP 28)
During this episode, You Me and Your Top Three host, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Andrew McCuiston, President of Goldfish Swim School Franchising, LLC – one of the country’s fastest growing franchise brands. Andrew discusses how franchising allows brands to scale through partnerships with like-minded business owners and shares why he and his business partners believe […]
Preparing to Jump Without a Parachute (EP 27)
During this episode, You Me and Your Top Three host, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Ryan Sullivan, CEO of Xenith – an athlete-centric lifestyle brand that is an emerging challenger in the very competitive football market. Ryan speaks about how it is no longer good enough for CEOs to be incredible operators, but how they must […]
Intentionally Becoming a Champion (wsg Mat Ishbia) – EP 26
During this episode, You Me and Your Top Three host, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Mat Ishbia, CEO of United Wholesale Mortgage and United Shore – industry leading mortgage companies. Mat talks about growing the firm from a mere twelve people to north of 4,400 employees and shares the lessons that he learned along the way. […]
Don’t Accept the Status Quo (EP25)
During this episode, You Me and Your Top Three host, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Tracy-Ann Palmer, Vice President Global GTM, Strategy and Transformation at Rackspace and global technology executive who hails from South Africa. Tracy-Ann has worked with iconic tech brands that are known around the world. She is a humble leader who appreciates being […]
Sustaining Business and the Environment (EP 24)
During this episode, You Me and Your Top Three host, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Jordan Darragh, an expert in sustainability who is the founder and CEO of PrintReleaf, Inc. Jordan discusses his deep understanding of the print services industry’s effect on the environment and how he used it to find his passion in founding a […]
Never Be Afraid to Win (EP 23)
You Me and Your Top Three host, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Amos Schwartzfarb an expert in scaling sales who is a six-time entrepreneur, is currently the Managing Director of Techstars Austin and is a very recent author of Sell More Faster: Ultimate sales playbook for startups. As an avid climber and biker who truly lives […]
Filling the Advisory Whitespace (Ep 22)
During this episode, You Me and Your Top Three host, Gregg Garrett, speaks with Roy Verstraete, a founding member of the Private Directors Association; a group helping to build advisory boards for private companies and owners. Roy discusses the importance of an independent advisory network and the critical role of mentors and advisors in today’s […]
A Diamond in the Rough (EP 21)
Jacques Panis, the accomplished global brand builder, joins Gregg Garrett in this week’s episode of You, Me, and Your Top Three. Jacques transformed the Shinola brand from a defunct shoe polish brand brand into a globally recognized leader in the fashion and accessories industry. Jacques talks about the ups and downs of becoming an overnight […]
Discovering Your Type of Mentor (EP 20)
During this episode, You Me and Your Top Three host, Gregg Garrett, takes a short pause from interviewing guests to reflect on what we’ve heard over the first twenty weeks of the podcast. He breaks down the growth of the podcast in over 30 countries, discusses the patterns that have been observed around six types […]
Be Fabulous – Influencing the Future (EP 19)
During this episode, we speak with Ryan Schram, a leader in digital and influencer marketing and the Chief Operating Officer at IZEA Worldwide. Ryan speaks about the unique journey he and his colleagues took to disrupt an industry, form a new category and rise to the top. We discuss the celebrity influencers of today, the […]
Making Transformation the Day Job (EP 18)
During this episode, we speak with Ed Rybicki, Chief Information Officer at Vyaire Medical. Throughout the discussion, Ed highlights how throughout his journey to his global CIO role he never forgot to keep people at the center of pretty much everything he does – something he learned from his background in organizational behavior. Ed elaborated […]
During this episode, we speak with John Rossman, a former executive at Amazon, who was responsible for building one of its largest and most successful business units – Amazon Marketplace. John discusses the mindset that leaders at Amazon have that allows them to constantly innovate and transform as they disrupt markets. He gives specific hints […]
Transforming a Giant (EP 16)
During this episode, we speak with a digital transformation expert who operates on a global stage. Falk Bothe carries responsibility for driving transformations and developing the top forty leaders for the Volkswagen Group – one of the largest companies in the world. In his role, Falk helps top executives cut through the inertia of a […]
Readying The Workforce For Industry 4.0 (EP 15)
During this episode, we discuss how data stemming from products is at the heart of industry disruption. Our special guest, Chris Pesola, is a Chief Information Officer for a cloud-based software company that is helping transform the manufacturing industry. In his role, Chris is enabling manufacturing companies to compete in the next industrial revolution which […]
Transforming the Game – Leading Strong Women (EP 14)
During this episode, we welcome a specialist in leading high-performance women to the top of their game. John Sung, Head Women’s Lacrosse Coach at Virginia Tech, is a minority in both ethnicity and gender for his industry and is considered one of the top 25 collegiate lacrosse coaches in the world. John shares with our […]
Fighting Fatherlessness (EP13)
During this episode, we discuss one of the most important and impactful leadership roles that exists – the father/child relationship. This week’s guest, Justin Batt, is an expert in the father/child relationship and has spent more than 13,000 hours researching and living the role. He is the author of the bestselling book Daddy Saturday and […]
Joyfully Running with the Bulls (EP 12)
During this episode, we dive deep inside the business of sports and discuss innovative approaches to leadership through the lens of a top-tier professional sports coach. John Paul (JP), coach of the Atlas Lacrosse Club of the PLL and one of the top coaches in the game, is a transformation and startup specialist who shares […]
The Power of Bravery (EP 11)
Four year entrepreneur and global coffee trend expert, Max Feber, joins Gregg Garrett to discuss his company, BRUW, and his experience with creating a product, launching a company, pitching on Shark Tank, and receiving investment and advice from experienced leaders like Mark Cuban. Max discusses how surrounding himself with people who give him pointed feedback […]
About this Episode As the original chief architect of the lifesaving and the most widely used telematics platform in the world (OnStar), and the CTO for several of the most widely used navigation (and marketing insight) platforms that likely guided you on your most recent appointment, Ty Beltramo understands technological driven disruption. He walks us […]
The Top Five Percent (EP9)
About this Episode Dr. Graeme Harper reflects on how he transformed from surf bum to globally known PhD. As the dean of one of the world’s fastest growing honors colleges, he is an expert in developing leaders. He speaks about how to market, manage, and motivate the world’s top talent. From ed-tech to student debt […]
Flying Above it All (EP8)
About this Episode Jon Rimanelli discusses how he and his firm, ASX, addresses urban congestion to help fulfill the promise of mobility services as a time saver. Jon gives incredible detail to the approach he’s taking by applying mass market supply chain methods from the automotive industry and applying them to the short-range aerospace industry. […]
About this Episode George Baker gives us an in-depth walkthrough of his journey from his early beginnings as employee of his family business to entrepreneur, to making incredible strides in the parking tech industry. George presents key details surrounding his parking operation, technology company, ParkHub and the evolution of shifting from consumer business model to […]
About this Episode Stephan Tarnutzer gives in-depth insights into the mobility industry and the disruption that he is living daily. Stephan is feeling the effects of technological innovation emerging in connected and autonomous vehicles, and how formally disparate industries are merging and driving a metamorphosis from automotive to mobility. He speaks as a transformational corporate […]
About this Episode Elie Finegold shines a light on major disruption, currently taking place in the global real estate industry. An industry luminary, he ignites a passionate conversation centered on how mobility and connected technologies are a major driver of this industry disruption. After the exploration of large industry trends and Elie’s experience as head […]
Pet Tech Meets Its Match (EP4)
About this Episode Leigh Isaacson, provides a front row account of the Pet Tech and Dating industries. Her firm Dig, the dating app for dog lovers, competes at the intersection of these two ultra-hot markets. Leigh’s diverse career background and personal journey provide an interesting backdrop for the discussion of how diverse capabilities can stack […]
Opportunity in Unlikely Places (EP 3)
About this Episode In this episode, listeners are presented with perspectives related to the ever-shifting mobility industry and specifically learn about the disruption being caused by new power train technology like battery electric. Robi Mitra discusses how Bollinger Motors, the start-up making off-road electric trucks, continues to transform and gain access to critical capabilities to […]
Learn from the Best & Disrupt Death (EP2)
About this Episode During this episode, listeners will hear about the importance of building a virtual advisory board that can support individuals as they shape and grow their careers. Partnering in conversation with Gregg Garrett, host of You, Me, and Your Top Three, Patrick Falle shares details on his background, the importance of those on […]
Leaning In to Survive Industry Disruption (EP1)
About this Episode From a geography degree to the head of corporate strategy, Dr. Warren Ritchie gives audiences a glimpse into his humble beginnings and vast array of experiences that led him on a storied career. Mentor and friend to show host, Gregg Garrett, for close to 20 years and co-author of Competing in the […]
You’re Known By the Company You Keep (EP0)
About this Episode Welcome to the first episode of You, Me, and Your Top Three with your host, Gregg Garrett. During this episode, you will hear about the overall vision of the podcast, what you can expect to learn from tuning in, Gregg’s background and what motivated him to want to enter the podcasting world. […]